Hello there! Welcome to another blog where I ramble on about pointless things. Today, it's going to be about fooood... Now as per the title, I “attempted” to bake since usually, I am terrible at cooking, preparing veggies/meat for cooking, basically in all the activities carried out in a kitchen but yesterday, the kitchen fairy blessed me in baking cupcakes which turned out “not so bad” - in my opinion, and a “that's good” - in my mom’s opinion (which is a big deal given that my mom is Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen (lol)).
So, since this was my first attempt in baking (not including all the ones before where I “improvised” and ruined the recipe), and given that I have this very high chance of adding a bit of “my touch” to everything I do, I fully committed myself in not even thinking of changing the recipe. Most often, every time I think of cooking/baking, the biggest obstacles I face before I even begin are –

1) not having all the ingredients at home and 2) being lazy to search for the ingredients/utensils/tools at home.
So this time I started with gathering all the ingredients/utensils/tools I'll need in baking the cupcakes so that I don’t have to run around the kitchen like a headless chicken searching for the parchment paper.
The recipe I followed was the Vanilla Cupcake Recipe by Natashas Kitchen. It's very simple and does not require a lot of ingredients (two aspects I always look for in a recipe) and it tastes really really good (the obvious aspect we all want in the end). I didn’t go for the frosting part though, as I didn’t have sufficient butter for the same (refer to obstacle #1). Just the cupcake, a simple as that, and full of deliciousness.
If you are someone who had never baked before and wants to try something like a cake/cupcake, try this recipe as this is a good place to begin with (recipe video link below). Else, if you are someone with so much baking expertise, I'd love to hear your tips and tricks for a good bake!
Vanilla Cupcake Recipe by Natashas Kitchen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffqe3GnNJhc&t=18s
Also, do you like chocolate or vanilla cupcakes more?
(I'm addicted to anything chocolate but some mouth-watering vanilla cupcakes once in a while does no harm, eh 😉)
Bon Appetit!