We humans are extremely good at one thing – complaining. We complain about so many things especially ourselves, our body, who we are, our lives. We complain when we don’t have something and also when we have too much of something. Our species have an inborn PhD in complaining. We are constantly trying to be that perfect version of ourselves and hey, that’s absolutely fantastic but we often pressurize ourselves to be the “perfect me”.
Making yourself a better human is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself and the people around you. But it doesn’t only imply being a better person on the outside, it's about being a better person from within. Be kind, loving, compassionate because we humans thrive on these emotions to survive. And for us to start loving others, we must first love ourselves. We must love who we are, all that we have so that we start seeing the good in us that was hidden beneath the flaws we kept focusing on. We start realizing that what we have is a blessing, that even the smallest of things is a blessing.

So, if you’re planning on perfecting yourselves, start by loving yourself, be it the way you talk, that sound you make while you laugh, your untamable hair, your sense of clothing, the acne on your face, the freckles, the way how your mouth curves at the corners when you smile, your beautiful belly that lets you eat all you like, your legs that take you places, your mind that gives you the craziest of ideas, and anything and everything you could possibly think of. Once you practice that, you’ll start beaming with confidence and positivity that people start wondering how you do that!
Once you’re all set giving all the love you can to yourself, it's time to share that love with the ones around you. I consider my day a successful one if I can make someone smile, a laugh – even better! You have no idea how much happiness it brings oneself when they are the cause of somebody else’s happiness. I mean, don’t you enjoy seeing that smile on your loved one’s face when you give them a present on Christmas day? Find happiness in someone else’s happiness. Be the reason for someone else’s happiness.
When you truly, undeniably fall in love with yourself, you’ll learn to embrace your flaws and understanding that they are nothing compared to the greater beauty of who you are.
All we have is one life, make it beautiful.