Genre: Psychological Thriller
Let me begin by putting it simply - I couldn’t put this book down.
The Silent Patient is a book for those who want every single page to put you on the edge bubbling with curiosity as to what on earth is going to happen next. You feel like you can predict what could be next but No! It doesn’t go like that! I can promise you one thing, this story is not how you think it's going to be. Alex Michaelides has done an outstanding job with everything in this book, be it the way the story is narrated or how each character is so detailed like you know them and their secrets(but you don’t until you are on the last page, honey) and obviously the storyline.

You see, the problem with certain books is that they build up this mind-boggling plot in the initial few pages but unfortunately the climax misses the thrill build up all the while. But to my surprise, this book did not let me down one bit. I am usually this person who can come up with a scene/plot or how the story is going to turn out like from the flow of the story, and similarly, I had not one but five or six assumptions on how this story was going to end, but to be frank, I was nowhere even close to how this plot, no, this puzzle connected together at the end. Not gonna lie, I sat staring at this book for a good few minutes after I had completed reading it. I could not tell you enough how much I’ve absolutely fallen in love with this book. And the funny fact is, I am not usually into thrillers/murder mysteries, and this was probably one of my first of the kind and I am blown away.
If you are into this genre, definitely read this one because you will not regret it. Also, if you haven’t read a thriller before and want to try one, this book would be a good start to that. And again, if you have already read this absolutely brilliant book, let me know what you think and tell me who you thought the antagonist would be ;)
Cheerio and happy reading!